Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gallery Fifty Six Online!

Gallery Fifty Six is going through a transformation. In order to better serve our artists and clients, we have closed our building at 2256 Central Ave, Memphis TN, in order to reopen in a space right across the street! This will allow us to do several great things...we can staff the gallery during regular store hours: Mon-Saturday 10am-5pm. We will also have the benefit of foot traffic from the rest of The Palladio Group campus which includes: Market Central, Memphis WaterWorks, Art Factory, Palladio Antiques & Art, and Cafe Palladio. Until our new space is ready for us, we have worked to improve the website experience which includes e-commerce for artwork under $1,000 in order to make purchasing easier for our clients, and to better serve our artists. We are also adding much more to our website, so visit often! 

Steve Crowe

Joyce Garner

David Diodate

Mike Martino

Andy Reed

Michael Maxwell

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Now Showing

Now Showing in the Main Gallery

JAN HANKINS - 'Ocean' Series


PAUL CLARKE - 'Looking Down'


Exhibition Dates:  Jan. 28 through Feb. 21, 2015